The features and manufacturing method for the fire water tank must fully meet the requirements of the fire suppression system used on the site.

Thus, an underground fire water tank will best suit the needs of an enterprise occupying a relatively small floor area. Such underground fire water tank will have a horizontal cylindrical shape. The underground location of the reservoir will let use the available floor space more efficiently and significantly reduce loss of liquid due to possible evaporation.

Fire water tanks can be placed above the ground, outdoors or indoors. They can be cylindrical or rectangular in shape for the optimal use of the company’s floor space.

The fire water tank can have a single or a double wall. It can have a single or multi-chamber structure. Its features are mainly determined by the required capacity and linear dimensions.

In our company we pay special attention to the manufacturing of fire water tanks as their production and operation are most strictly regulated by SNiP and GOST standards.

Along with all other types of tanks, our specialists apply the most stringent requirements to the quality of manufacturing, sealing, insulation and corrosion protection to fire water tanks.